Couples going through a divorce can easily spend anywhere between $10,000 to $50,000 or even higher when you hire a divorce lawyer to handle your case through traditional litigation. Your spouse will be spending just as much as well, so you could be looking at expenses totaling well over $100,000 when both of you finalize your divorce.
There is a better way to economically resolve your differences and reach a divorce settlement that protects your interests and respects your rights with the help of a skilled mediator.
What is mediation?

When ending a marriage, even the most amicable of couples can find there are divorce issues they simply cannot agree upon. During mediation both parties will meet with a third-party neutral called a mediator. The mediator is there to facilitate conversations regarding any divorce issues which the couple cannot agree upon such as the timeshare and other decisions regarding the child(ren), property division, child support and spousal support. Your mediator will not take sides, but act as a neutral to work with the parties to resolve their disputes. Depending on your preferences, mediation sessions can be accomplished in person or via Zoom.
The parties involved and the neutral third-party mediator will meet at a series of sessions to discuss various topics such as case specific information, finances, and your hopes for the result of your mediation session in hopes of coming to a neutral resolution.
Why is mediation a more cost-effective alternative to family law litigation
Costs associated with family law litigation are usually inflated by animosity between the two individuals seeking a divorce. When the parties are unwilling to cooperate, the attorneys will have to go back and forth on issues or appear at court to advocate their client’s position due to the inability of the divorcing individuals to reach an agreement. When divorcing individuals enter mediation, an atmosphere of goodwill is fostered, and issues are addressed head-on. This environment aids in the prevention of drawn-out arguments, which may result in additional fees and costs.
Do I need an attorney if I hire a mediator?
A mediator is committed to remain neutral throughout the mediation process. Many clients feel more comfortable when they consult a separate legal advisor who is focused solely on protecting their interests. Most mediation clients have a “consulting” attorney outside of mediation to confer with. You are welcome to work with your own consulting attorney throughout the mediation process.
Why choose the Law Office of Rebecca M. Medina?
Rebecca is a family law attorney and mediator offering non-litigation and/or alternate dispute resolution services to clients throughout Fresno and San Diego Counties. Rebecca believes that the traditional court adversarial method in family law further polarizes a family in transition and can be unnecessarily costly; both financially and emotionally. If children are involved, the court process can be devastating to the well-being of children no matter what age they are.
Rebecca is committed to processes that are based on negotiation, compromises, and ultimately empower clients to have control over the decision-making process in their family law matter, which can result in less stress and allow them to move to the next chapter of their lives with dignity. With a compassionate and dedicated desire to help her clients in what is often the most difficult time in their life, Ms. Medina carries herself with poise and can relate to her clients on a level that conveys trust and inspires confidence. Rebecca’s philosophy is to be honest, direct, and committed toward helping her clients resolve their family matters by offering processes that result in settlements and empower individuals.
Questions? Contact the Law Office of Rebecca M. Medina for more information about mediation services. Fresno Area: (559) 324-5427/ San Diego Area: (858) 285-4315