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How to Prepare to Discuss a Parenting Plan in Mediation


Going through a divorce is usually a difficult time in a person’s life.

It can be even tougher when children are involved.

That’s why these days many parents who are making decisions about their divorce proceedings with their children’s best interest in mind are choosing family law mediation over the traditional divorce.

Divorce mediation is an alternative form of divorce that uses a third-party mediator to work out various aspects of the divorce, such as the division of property and parenting plans.

Because mediators are professionals whose job is to help people reach agreements through cooperation and compromise, the mediation process tends to be less contentious than traditional divorce.

The outcome is that mediation can be easier on everybody, especially kids.

What will be resolved in mediation and how can I prepare?

One of the most important things that you and your spouse will have to come to an agreement about during the mediation process is a parenting plan.

A parenting plan is vital for your children’s future because it will serve as a road map to provide guidance for how you and your spouse will care for the children after the divorce is finalized.

Some of the key components of the parenting plan will determine the child’s living arrangement and the details about their education and health, such as what school they will attend and who will be their healthcare provider.

Before creating a parenting plan with a mediator, you should always be prepared.

Below are some steps you can take to prepare for creating your parenting plan:

      • List concerns. If you’re worried about your ex’s capacity to parent or have serious concerns like you suspect drug addiction or alcoholism, write them down and be prepared to discuss them with your mediator. In some cases, mediation may not be your best option.
      • List your children’s day to day routine. By writing out your children’s schedule beforehand, you can begin to determine ways of creating a parenting plan that will be the least disruptive to their lives.
      • Provide important documentation. Provide school, attendance, and medical records, and any other documents that could be helpful in mediation.
      • Be reasonable. Come to mediation with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. If there are specific issues you’re not willing to budge on, write them down and tell your mediator.

When creating a parenting plan, you should be as thorough as possible and consider anything and everything that might affect your child’s well-being.

The idea is to provide a path that enables a smooth and meaningful relationship with both parents moving forward.

Contact a Fresno and San Diego family lawyer today

Decisions made in a divorce can have repercussions on you and your children for the rest of your lives.

If you’re considering a divorce in Fresno, it’s important to seek guidance from a professional family law mediator in Fresno and San Diego who understands California’s laws and statutes.

Call Rebecca Medina today at 559-324-5427 in Fresno or 858-285-4315 in San Diego to schedule a consultation or contact us online.

We are a compassionate team of dedicated professionals who will listen to your concerns and work to resolve them.

Rebecca MedinaAbout the Author: Rebecca Medina

Rebecca Medina is an experienced Family Law attorney, mediator and Collaborative Divorce Lawyer serving the Fresno and San Diego areas. She handles cases ranging from complex divorce matters to child custody, spousal support, prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, QDROs and uncontested divorce cases. She was rated “Clients’ Choice” by Avvo.

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