COVID-19 Update

The Law Office of Rebecca M. Medina is open and we are available to help both existing and potential clients. In order to ensure your safety and that of the community, we are offering  telephone and video-conferencing appointments.

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CA Mediator or Divorce Lawyer, Who is Best for You - Law Office of Rebecca Medina

CA Divorce Mediator or CA Divorce Lawyer, Who is Best for You?

Chances are, when you decided to get married, you followed your heart. But if your marriage is ending, you will have to make decisions based ...
Collaborative divorce meeting

Co-Mediation: Building A Perfect Mediating Team

One style of mediation that is not used as frequently is called co-meditation. Co-mediation is almost the same as mediation, except that it makes use ...
Spouse Not Cooperating

When Divorce Mediation is a Bad Idea

Although mediators are trained professionals, they are not intended to be used in every situation. In certain cases, it’s in the best interests of both ...
Family Lawyer in Fresno and San Diego, CA

How Mediation Builds A Stronger Foundation for Co-Parenting

These days many people are choosing mediation instead of a traditional divorce, not only because it’s faster and cheaper, but also because it tends to ...
Couple's Therapy

Three Reasons to Consider Post-Divorce Mediation in Fresno & San Diego

Whether your divorce was a relatively amicable process or a harrowing and contentious ordeal, signing those final papers signifies closing one chapter of life and ...
Getting divorced without going to court

Negotiating Alimony or Spousal Support Through Fresno or San Diego Mediation

Whether you are set to receive or owe spousal support payments, working cooperatively with your ex and a mediator may help you arrive at an ...
Law Office of Rebecca Medina - The Differences Between Mandatory and Private Mediation in California

The Differences Between Mandatory & Private Mediation

Whether ending your marriage was your choice or not, whether your relationship with your ex remains amicable or turns contentious, and whether or not the ...
Law Office of Rebecca Medina - Three Types of Mediation

Three Types of Mediation

Electing to negotiate the terms of your divorce through mediation can be a smart decision with many benefits. Not only are you more likely to ...
Divorce and Work
During Divorce

How To Deal With Stress as You Go Through Divorce Mediation

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events you may ever experience. Your feelings throughout the divorce process are undoubtedly complicated—you might feel any ...
Can you Divorce Out of Court in Fresno, CA - Law Office of Rebecca Medina

Can You Divorce Out of Court in Fresno or San Diego, CA?

Overall, divorce rates are falling across the U.S. (although California’s is about 10 percent above the national average), but if you and your spouse have ...

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