COVID-19 Update

The Law Office of Rebecca M. Medina is open and we are available to help both existing and potential clients. In order to ensure your safety and that of the community, we are offering  telephone and video-conferencing appointments.

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Litigation Law
Family Law

Mediation: A Cost-Effective Alternative To Family Law Litigation?

Couples going through a divorce can easily spend anywhere between $10,000 to $50,000 or even higher when you hire a divorce lawyer to handle your ...
Law Office of Rebecca Medina - Can I Recover the Down Payment I Made on My Home
Family Law

Can I Recover the Down Payment I Made on My Home?

If you are ending your marriage in Fresno and San Diego or elsewhere in California, you may be wondering if you are entitled to recoup ...
Law Office of Rebecca Medina - What is Parallel Parenting
Family Law

What is Parallel Parenting?

The main principle of parallel parenting is that each parent maintains an active and healthy one-on-one relationship with their child while interacting with his or ...
Premarital Agreement
Family Law

4 Key Things to Know About a Premarital Agreement

People date, fall in love and focus on getting to know each other. When the dating evolves into a marriage proposal, then some tough conversations ...
Co-Parenting and divorce

Divorce, Kids and Co-Parenting

A major question when parents’ divorce is how to best provide for the interests of their children. A parenting plan answers that question and gives ...
QDRO and Divorce

QDRO: Do I Need One in My Divorce?

If you and/or your spouse contributed to an employer-sponsored retirement plan during your marriage and there is no prenuptial agreement changing the default rules, under ...
QDRO Processw
Collaborative Divorce

The 7 Steps in the QDRO Process

The preparation, filing and approval of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) take time and special care for details. Here are the basic steps of ...
Prioritize Children Divorce

How to Prioritize Your Children During Your Divorce

When a couple decides to divorce, one of the most important early decisions should be to prioritize your children throughout the divorce process.  This starts with ...
Prenuptial Agreement
Collaborative Divorce

How a Prenuptial Agreement Can Be a Smart Move If Divorce Should Arise 

With all the positive emotions leading up to Marriage or a Domestic Partnership, the notion of a Prenuptial Agreement can be an incredibly delicate and ...
Pre-Marital Agreement

Tips for Pre-Marital and Post-Marital Agreements

There is a myth that premarital agreements are a roadmap for divorce. Quite the opposite is true. Preparing a prenuptial agreement requires the couple to ...

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