Dividing Marital Property through Mediation
If you choose mediation instead of a traditional divorce, a good mediator can help you work out an arrangement that works for both spouses. However, ...
Common Reasons Mediation Does Not Work
For mediation to be successful, both parties must be willing to work together diligently and honestly to reach important decisions about the divorce. When spouses ...
How to Prepare to Discuss a Parenting Plan in Mediation
Divorce mediation is an alternative form of divorce that uses a third-party mediator to work out various aspects of the divorce, such as the division ...
Understanding the Rules of Mediation
Like all forms of divorce, mediation comes with its own set of rules and guidelines. At the beginning of the process, you can expect your ...
How Can I Propose Mediation to My Spouse?
It almost goes without saying, if you and your spouse have recently decided to get a divorce, you’re probably not on the best terms. But ...
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