Collaborative Divorce
The Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce in California
Mediation and collaborative divorce are types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Both are increasingly popular choices among divorcing couples as they save time, money, and ...
Fresno or San Diego Pre-mediation Meeting
If you and your soon-to-be-ex spouse have agreed to a mediated divorce, you have chosen to negotiate terms that are mutually agreeable and, in the ...
CA Divorce Mediator or CA Divorce Lawyer, Who is Best for You?
Chances are, when you decided to get married, you followed your heart. But if your marriage is ending, you will have to make decisions based ...
Living Together While Going Through a Divorce in Fresno or San Diego
Living under the same roof with your spouse while you are going through a divorce is not an easy choice, but it is a choice ...
Can You Divorce Out of Court in Fresno or San Diego, CA?
Overall, divorce rates are falling across the U.S. (although California’s is about 10 percent above the national average), but if you and your spouse have ...
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